Open 24 hours a day

7 Days a week

365 Days a year



Dispaly your craft item along with a description of your craft/item and contact information on the Tri-Valley Townsman's Crafters' site for only $20 a year!

 Full Web Pages are available for as low as $90 a year!


"Static Banners: - $50 per year

"Dynamic Banner" - $80 per year


"Static Squares" - $30 per year

"Dynamic Squares" - $50 per year


...if you already have a Web Site, add a link from our site to yours for $20.00 a year


If you already have a web site, advertise your site with a 'banner' or 'square' at the Tri-Valley Townsman's Crafters' Mall or you may just want to add a link to our mall page - $20.00 a year

Call: 845-985-0501

Send us an email:

or send us a note via 'snail mail' to:

The Townsman ¥ P O Box 232 ¥ Grahamsville, NY 12740

Crafter's Creations


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Whether it is a Web Site, brochure, Branding/logo, stationery set, business card, etc. to.the.point graphic design studio is a full graphic design studio and may have just what you need. Have a question? Email us at:



Why would you want a website?




Buy A Full Web Page for $90.00 year!
Buy "Dynamic Banner" Ad for $80.00 year!

Buy "Static Banner " Ad for $50.00 year!


Buy Dynamic "Square" Ad for $50.00 year!

Click here for more ideas!

Buy A Static "Square" Ad for $30.00 year!




If you are ready to shop at the Tri-Valley Townsman Crafters's Mall - Click Here!

Thank you!


